Joy 4 Healthy Living Nutrition Plate


J4HL Nutrition Plate

Our October Live Conference not only had many luminaries in wellness, and passionate students and graduates, it also had a big announcement: The Integrative Nutrition Plate!

Adapted from the USDA’s MyPlate nutrition guidelines, The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of organic and local produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It is an intuitive representation of how a plate should appear at mealtime, and it emphasizes the importance of portion sizes. It also notes the importance of primary food – the other parts of our lives that feed us in a way that food cannot. Our primary foods include relationships, career, spirituality, and physical activity, and these are crucial to good health.

We can’t wait to see what your healthy plate looks like! Though the Integrative Nutrition Plate serves as a useful general guideline for healthy eating, it should be adjusted to each person’s unique bio-individual nutritional needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all diet, so it’s up to each person to experiment with fresh, whole foods and find what works best for you!
